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Adventurous Unconventional Moms and Their Dogs

Sometimes parenthood doesn’t mean having biological children. You can be an adventurous mom with legally adopted kids, with neighborhood kids down the street who visit in the afternoon, and even with pets. Being a dog mom often feels the same as raising a child.

This week’s post is written by the most adventurous of dog moms, Alicia Gullidge, who adopted a beautiful Cocker Spaniel in her golden years. Take a look.

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Becoming A Dog Mom

I will fully admit it. I was that person. I was that friend. My friends would throw parties for their animals; I would be “busy”. They would treat their animals like their kids, but I didn’t understand.

It’s true I am a farm kid. I grew up having livestock and farm dogs, with one dog inside the house. But at the end of the day, she was a dog. Even as I write this, I feel as if that “old me” lacked the empathy needed to understand.

Then, life happened. Life threw me a curve ball, one we all experience, one I wasn’t prepared for, one you can’t prepare for – I lost my mom to the #1 killer of women in the United States; heart disease. It was 3 weeks later, Lady Katy Mae, a sassy 7-year-old Cocker Spaniel entered my life.

She chose me while I was sitting on the floor at her former home. She snuck around the chair and bobbed me on the nose with her own. Her owners at that time said, “She is timid; she doesn’t do that. She chose you.”

Over the next months, I learned we both had healing to do. She had been shuffled around in her life. Her first home was not kind to her.

Her second home loved her but had too much going on in it to pay enough attention to her. What she needed in the third home for her golden years is what I needed while freshly grieving my mom. Calm. Peaceful. Caring. Unconditional love.

There is a timeline when you adopt a dog for their adjustment. I believe this timeline

is along the lines of grief too. I also believe this timeline is different for a Cocker Spaniel.

She threw temper tantrums; she let me know how she felt often, too. We taught each other healing, trust, patience, and unconditional love.

Fast forward almost 3 years later…I have the “Dog Mom” shirt and the mug. We have yearly “gotcha” photos taken. My world revolves around her. My boyfriend even knows, my schedule revolves around “Lady Katy Mae.”

Thunderstorms are now a planned event. If I am not home, her “PawPaw” (my dad) will come sit with her so she is not scared. For 4th of July, she is terrified. I haven’t seen fireworks since before 2020. Nowadays we are fast asleep before the show even starts. In fact, I have had a shadow everywhere I’ve gone since 2020, too, and I love it. There is a treat on her bed every morning. She has special food, a special chair, and a regular vet visit. Special pet care comes into my home when I travel. There is a list of “what to do and who to call.”

I have made a promise to her that those golden years will be glamorous. She is my best friend and my protector. I am hers, too.

Giving Understanding

If you have a friend who is overly excited about their animal, let them. Take into consideration you don’t know the background story of what the animal means or has done for them personally.

To take on the title “Dog Mom” is also giving up a lot of ourselves. Ya see, I was reaching for the hands of my friends during my darkest moment of my life, and I found a paw

reaching back. God knew what I needed. My kid doesn’t have two legs–she has four.

I get it now, I fully do. I am a Dog Mom.

Parenthood In All Shapes

Whether you’re a dog mom or an adopted mom, a new mom or a veteran parent, it’s never too late to have adventures. Dress them up in teddy bear outfits, take them in the car, and enjoy those adventures with your kids and your furry family. Be sure to show us a picture of your furry kids in the comments or on socials.

You can also check out these other posts from A Wild Lass:

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