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  • Writer's pictureA Wild Lass

The Best Tips for Planning a Great Moms Group

One of the ways moms survive and thrive throughout motherhood is by banding together. I didn’t know I needed mommy friends until I became a mommy and surrounded myself with them. Whether you’re in a MOPS group or another gathering of mothers, these meetings often give you the support and refreshment you need to keep going just a little longer.

If you’re on the planning committee for one of these life-saving groups, you may be feeling a little blah about next year. It’s winter, and the darkness and dreary look out your window can get anyone down. Planning for another great year of supporting moms is a step-by-step process, though. You can do it if you break it down and tackle each portion bit by bit. Here are some ideas to get you started.

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Some groups have one speaker who gives a talk every meeting. This is often the president or coordinator. If you’re a church group, these are encouraging or uplifting messages that encourage women in their spiritual walks. Some groups hire different speakers for each meeting. These don’t have to be famous people, although there are some pretty fantastic moms out there who might like to speak to your group in person or via Skype. Here are some ideas for who to ask:

Discussion Questions

  • As moms of babies and toddlers (and even older kids), we crave adult conversation. One of the ways that moms groups fulfill this need is by having table leaders ask their groups questions. These can be a group of questions that goes deeper with each one, or simply a list of questions that helps everyone better understand what the speaker talked about. Here are some tips for creating discussion questions for the ladies in your group:

  • Ask your speakers to come up with five discussion questions. Let them know your goals of having moms discuss, so they can design questions based on that

  • Have your table leaders create questions, given what they know about the moms in their group

  • Model questions based on other moms groups; search online for a curriculum to follow

  • Ask your mentor moms to come up with questions based on their experience


If you have activities at each moms meeting (besides eating brunch, of course), you may be feeling burned out. Try some of these ideas if you’re having trouble feeling creative:

  • Play a would you rather game, tailored for mommies

  • Do a craft together, especially some type of holiday creation or home decor knick knack

  • Have a spa day with nail painting, massages, a coffee cart, facials, and paraffin dip

  • Dress up and have fancy tea one time

  • Dress way down and have pajama day (encourage everyone to bring slippers or blankets)

  • Plan a board game day

Other activities might be mom field trips. Some of these will largely depend on what’s offered in your area. However, there are some pretty fun ways to have a moms night out in any locale:

  • Visit an escape room

  • Paint pottery together

  • Walk by the river or in a nice park

  • See a musical or play

  • Have a progressive dinner, with drinks first at one place, then appetizers, main course, and dessert/coffee

  • Shop thrift stores together

  • Attend a class at your local craft store

Refreshed and Rejuvenated

However you design your moms group, the moms will appreciate all the treats in store for them. From the activities you plan to the speakers you invite, everything will help the moms relax and feel ready to resume their mommy responsibilities.

For more on taking care of yourself, check out my post about conquering perfect mom syndrome. Don’t forget to follow us on Instagram and Twitter!

*Disclaimer: Some of the links you see may be affiliate links. All that means is if you click through and end up making a purchase, I’ll earn a commission.

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